KYUHEN group thinks customers as origin of all our corporate activities and aims to develop ourselves with society by creating our own value continuously through providing products and service regarding core energy field. At the same time, we respect human rights either domestic or foreign and develop a business as a group to contribute to creation of a convenient and comfortable society. To carry out these corporate activities steadily with reliability and sympathy, we make maximum effort to promote compliance management based on the rules listed below.
1.Improvement of Customer Satisfaction
We are based on the spirit of “Customer-First” and devote ourselves to provide excellent product and service which is highly safety and satisfies customers with our creativity and excellent technology.
2.Faithful and Fair Business Operation
In the field of all business, we perform fairness, transparence, free competition, appropriate business according to healthy business practice and accomplish faithful and fair operation.
3.Building of Safety Culture
To ensuring social safety. we endeavor not only to take measures about facilities and improve technology, but also to build “Safety Culture” which gives top priority to public safety and protection of employees.
4.Promotion of Environmental Management
In all of the business activities, we diligently promote Environmental Management which is eco-friendly particularly in energy conservation, waste reducing and prevention of environmental pollution and we contribute to prevention of environment and creation of rich and livable society.
5.Communication Activity
We release information actively, communicate with society and reflect the demands to the business activities precisely and quickly.
6.Contribution to the Area and Society
We cooperate with the people in the area and society and we contribute actively to their development through our business activities and regional contribution activities.
7.Promotion of the Building Clear Corporate
We carry out development and utilization of human resource under the fair evaluation which takes variety, personality and character of employee into consideration and we make an employee friendly working environment to fulfill their comfort and affluence.
8.Cooperate with Global Society
In international business activities, we not only comply with international rules and local law but also we respect local culture and practice for making friendship and operate business to contribute to their development.
9.Legal compliance
We not only comply with law and social norms but also firmly resist antisocial forces that give threatening to civil society’s order and safety.
10.Enforcement of this Charter and Duty of
Executives recognize that realization of the spirits of this Charter is their role and they take an initiative to develop an effective internal organization, that they have employee fully understood and inform this Charter to business partners.
In case a violation of law or this Charter occurs, executives show their attitude of solving the problem and prevent the recurrence of the problem and release prompt and proper information to outside of the company and fulfill their accountability and relevant person including themselves.